Christmas 2024 - A Delicious Dream
Saturday, November 16, the doors to Gourmet Christmas will open!Join us at the Bottega, open continuously from 9 am to 7 pm, and discover our Delicious Christmas Dream.
What's happening on Saturday, November 16, at Gourmet?
Sample our coffees
Taste our panettone
Tour the roastery
Explore ...
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Natale 2023 - In viaggio con Gourmet!
Stanno per aprirsi le porte del Natale di Gourmet!Presto vi sveleremo di più, ma intanto tenetevi liberi sabato 18 novembre per viaggiare con noi nell’atmosfera del Natale! Vieni a “scoprire” il Natale della Bottega di Gourmet!Vi accoglieremo con il nostro caffè ...
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Si apre il sipario ed ecco il Natale
Il 19 Novembre a partire dalle ore 10:00, ieni a “scoprire” il Natale della Bottega di Gourmet!Vi accoglieremo con il nostro caffè e gli assaggi dei buonissimi prodotti in vendita nella nostra Bottega!Siamo in Via Massarenti 2 a Imola.Per l’occasione saremo aperti orario ...
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Alla scoperta del MONDO degustando CAFFÈ
Alla Torrefazione caffè Gourmet, corso di degustazione di caffè del MONDO per scoprire ORIGINI, TERRITORIO e CURIOSITÀ sul caffè.Ogni incontro prevede: degustazioni, 3 espresso e 1 estrazione filtro, visita in torrefazione Sabato 3 dicembre dalle ore 15,ooDEGUSTAZIONE ...
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Degustazione CAFFÈ
Alla scoperta del MONDO degustando CAFFÈAlla Torrefazione caffè Gourmet, corso di degustazione di caffè del MONDO per scoprire ORIGINI, TERRITORIO e CURIOSITÀ sul caffè di ASIA e MICROLOTTI COLOMBIANI Sabato 18 febbraio dalle ore 15,ooDEGUSTAZIONE ...
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AGORÀ - Fiera Biennale LugoVenerdì 16 settembre 2022ore 19,30VUOI CONOSCERE MEGLIO IL MONDO DEL CAFFÈ?Piccole nozioni e curiosità alla scoperta della seconda bevanda più consumata al mondo attraverso degustazioni con Carlo Alberto Asioli e Davide Franzoni ...
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Per il tuo Natale scegli la Bottega di Gourmet!
Il Natale è un’occasione speciale, per farlo al meglio, la Torrefazione Gourmet ha preparato tante bellissime sorprese. Per vivere appieno l’atmosfera Natalizia e riscoprirne tutta la sua magia vieni a trovarci nella Casetta di Gourmet, tante idee regalo originali e di ...
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VUOI CONOSCERE MEGLIO IL MONDO DEL CAFFè?Piccole nozioni e curiosità alla scoperta della seconda bevanda più consumata al mondo attraverso degustazioni e visita in torrefazione.Sabato 4 - 11 - 18 dicembredalle 15,30 alle 16,30 e dalle 17,00 alle 18,00un piccolo OMAGGIO a ...
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Cerchi l'Idea perfetta per un San Valentino Speciale?
San Valentino è l'occasione per dimostrare tutto il nostro affetto alla persona che amiamo. Se non sai cosa regalare al tuo LUI o alla tua LEI, alla BOTTEGA DI GOURMET troverai i regalo giusto che ti aiuterà a fare colpo! Sfoglia il nostro Catalogo, troverai una serie ...
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Problems with the telephone line
Due to phone line problems, we are not reachable. YOU CAN CONTACT US at 331 8198176 We apologize for the inconvenience. Thank you.
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È arrivato il Natale da Gourmet!
Il Natale è un’occasione speciale, per farlo al meglio, la Torrefazione Gourmet ha preparato tante bellissime sorprese. Un nuovo ambiente, LA CASETTA DI GOURMET, dove vivere appieno l’atmosfera Natalizia e riscoprirne tutta la magia e tante idee regalo originali e di ...
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Grand Prix in Imola
We are very happy, the Grand Prix has been confirmed at our iconic Imola track. The Formula 1 single-seaters will return to tread the asphalt strip of our track on the weekend that runs from 31 October to 1 November!
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Home delivery
To assist the customers in our area during the Covid-19 quarantine we have set up a service of home delivery with all our products. We are close to all those who are currently suffering from the Covid-19 situation and we hope that everything will go well.
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Closed for holiday
We inform our kind customers that, in August, from 10 to 15 inclusive and on Saturday afternoon, the shop will be closed.
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Our booth at BIOFACH 2020
Our presence at BIOFACH, the Nuremberg organic fair, begins today until 15 February 2020. A unique variety of organic foods in the world, a clear commitment to strict admission criteria and a consistent certification: this makes BIOFACH the world's leading trade fair organic food. Just like the ...
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Organic Tobia’s Specialty Coffee
New Specialty of the ORGANIC line of Gourmet Roasting. An Arabica with fruity aroma with orange tip and cardamom. Sweet taste with note of red fruit and mandarin. Light body with floral aftertaste.These coffees we offer are traceable all along the supply chain from the grower to the coffee shop ...
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BIOFACH 2020 - World Leading Exhibition of Organic Food
BIOFACH demonstrates that ecological awareness is increasing worldwide and that the ORGANIC market is growing.Torrefazione Gourmet will be present with its stand to offer its wide range of products.12 - 15 February 2020 // Nuremberg, Germany
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Host 2019
Preparations are underway for HOST 2019, we will be present in the H32 Pavilion 14 space, from 18 to 22 October in Milan! Host has always been the meeting place for excellence of the best companies in the world, with an important and select presence of roasters, importers, producers and ...
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The production of Gourmet is always more Organic!
New 100 % Recyclable packaging and Compostable capsules and pods. Gourmet Coffee roasters, it's not only goodness and quality of the product, but also attention and respect for the environment.
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Costa Rica 2019
A trip to Costa Rica to learn about the places, the people, the plantations and the processing plants from which the coffee arrives, which will then be processed in our roasting plants.An unforgettable journey to discover all that is behind a cup of coffee, ART, CULTURE AND PASSION.
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Ethiopia Sidamo Nitro coffee
From the United States the trends of the 2019 cafeteria to enrich the bar proposals. Ethiopia Sidamo Nitro coffee, served on tap, therefore similar to beer, the taste reveals the unmistakable aroma of coffee. The Ethiopia Sidamo Nitro coffee is a nitrogen coffee, the drink is cold drawn and then ...
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New biological products!
The love for our work has given birth to new products GOURMET BIO, the BIO coffee and FAIRTRADE of GOURMET BY TOBIA. But not just coffee, even Tea and Infusions, Soluble and Products with Ganoderma.
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HOST 2019- October 18-22
For the coffee segment, Host has always been the venue par excellence for the world’s top companies, frequented by a strong contingent of selected coffee-roasting firms, importers, producers and operators from five continents.
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World of Coffee Rimini 2014
The speciality coffee world will be gathering at Rimini Expo Centre from 10-12 June 2014.Torrefazione Caffé Gourmet will attend the Fais. we will be glad to see you at our stand: HALL A7 Stand 036.
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News single-origin coffees by Gourmet
Discover the new single-origin coffees: we have uploaded a compete series of the best coffees of the world.Find out more
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The new organic coffee with spores of Ganoderma Lucidum
Torrefazione Gourmet is proud to present its new coffee Ganoderma Lucidum, produced with spores of Ganoderma Lucidum and coffee from organic cultivation.Discover more
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Ganoderma Coffee Benefits
It seems that the medicinal mushroom Ganoderma has many health benefits.See this article for more information.See our Ganoderma Lucidum products section
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Gourmet offee courses
TORREFAZIONE GOURMET has got in its staff some expert coffee teacher. We can organise coffee courses in our premises or provide tutors for our customer.
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Gourmet coffee in Czech Republic
Our coffee is now available in a region of Czech Republic that is well-known for its touristic attractions. For more information please visit the web-site
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La Torrefazione Caffè Gourmet al MIG di Langarone (Belluno)
TORREFAZIONE CAFFE’ GOURMET will take place at the trade show M.I.G. of Longarone. The exhibition is addressed to the ice-cream and coffe market.We will wait for you to taste our coffee specilities from 28th November to 1st December at the stand n. 35-36, hall E, lane W.
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TORREFAZIONE CAFFE’ GOURMET is renovating its image and is proud to introduce you into the world of coffee in its new web-site that presents besides information and tips the catalogue of the products and a section dedicated to the news that will keep you updated about our roasting ...
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