Pacamara - El Salvador

Pacamara - El Salvador

Pacamara - El Salvador

The discovery of the Pacamara variety is certainly linked to the Pacas family. In fact, in 1956 Fernando A. Pacas discovered this new Bourbon mutation in the family lands, which was named Pacas in his honor. The Salvadoran Institute Coffee Research began to work on a hybrid between the Pacas and the Maragogipe varieties, in order to obtain a new type with the disease resistance of the former and the great quality of the latter. After 30 years of research, the first bags of the Pacamara variety began to be cultivated and obtained. The result went beyond expectations, leading to a coffee characterized by a complex and intense aroma, a creamy texture, an elegant acidity, sweet notes of chocolate, ripe and red fruit. We have selected a Pacamara variety grown by the Pacas Family in the El Ritiro Farm (El Salvador) at an altitude between 1300 and 1470 meters above sea level and processed honey.

Bag 250 gr

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Pacamara - El Salvador

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